There are at least two ways to make a million dollars:

  1. Have 1 person give you $1,000,000
  2. Have 1,000,000 people give you $1

Of these two options, the latter (or as close to it as possible) is more preferable. It eliminates the single point of failure: if something were to happen to the person giving you money under Scenario #1, you would remain a zeronaire. But if something were to happen to even hundreds of people under Scenario #2, you would at least still be a 999kaire.

The majority of people might even have the capacity to give $1 so your potential pool (and odds) becomes much higher than if you were to limit yourself to those that are not only already millionaires themselves, but who happen to have a million dollars they can give you.

Option #2 is also a lot more scalable. Why stop at a million dollars when you can expand the number of givers and/or ask for slightly more?