Important Note

First of all, I do not judge anyone else’s choice. I merely want to explain my reasoning for deciding to wear a mask during Mass.

Reason #1: My bishop and pastor both decreed it.

Unless their directive contradicts faith and morals, we as Catholics are obligated to obey the clergy hierarchy. Those who don’t wear a mask out of a sense of rebellion should realize against whom are they rebelling. This is not a government mandate: it is one from the Church. Regardless of any external pressure, this is a decree that still does not conflict with Canon Law.

Reason #2: I don’t want to scare others off.

I feel like the majority of people that are very scared, hesitant to come to Mass in the first place, and are strong mask-wearers are often the people that need the Sacraments the most. I do not want to be the reason or excuse that they stay away.

Reason #3: I’d rather be judged for wearing a mask than not.

This is a no-win situation, but given the choice I would rather have non-wearers think I’m crazy for wearing one instead of mask-wearers think I’m out to murder them by not wearing one.

Bonus: It’s a great mortification.

Wearing a mask is not pleasant and of course I’d rather not. But it’s a heck of a lot more comfortable than a hair shirt from what I’ve been told. Mortification is a great practice to embrace, especially now during Lent.

Other Considerations

My bishop/pastor require masks while inside the church but others are less stringent. For example, when visiting my home diocese, we are only required to wear a mask while “on the move”: entering and exiting the church and during Communion. I timed it once (counting in my head so less accurate): it took me 37 seconds from outside the church until I was at my pew. According to many sources, the average person can hold their breath for longer than this. I really don’t think there is an excuse not to wear a mask just while moving about. You do the same thing when going to a restaurant.

I’ve also come up with a heuristic for when I wear a mask outside. Of course this is ridiculous, but I live in an area with lots of mask-wearers and points #2 and #3 above apply to a lesser degree in my neighborhood. Basically, I have the mask looped around my ears but hanging below my chin so I can breathe normally. When someone approaches who is wearing a mask, I simply lift my mask up until I pass them. To me, this is an acceptable compromise.