St. Joseph, you have the most beautiful, lovely, and perfect spouse conceivable. There will never be a greater woman than your wife and never a more loving, strong, and caring husband than yourself. So as I find myself in a situation of unrequited love and longing for a family of my own, I appeal to you as the head of the Holy Household.

You are much wiser than I could ever be, so perhaps you see more possibilities for my current predicament; however at this point I see only three. I do my absolute best to abandon myself to God’s Will and surrender to His Divine Providence and I beg of your direction in these circumstances. Fully acknowledging that my will is fallen and my understanding imperfect, I still list these options in the order of my preference. But please answer not according to my will, but your wisdom.

The first option is that you please “make something happen”. May my beloved have a change of heart so that we may grow in relationship with each other and with God together. I would love for this relationship to ultimately result in my true goal of marriage and family; yet if that is not meant to be with this person then I thank you for preventing it so as not to waste either of our time.

Second, if the first option is not possible, then please make my feelings for this person go away. Ideally, they would be replaced by feelings for someone else—and to be really bold, may this next person be the one whom I am to marry. You know my exhaustion in searching for a spouse. You know that I have been patient. Please help me! Yet, if this is not to be, then I will be satisfied with my current feelings dissipating without a replacement should you choose this route.

Finally, if none of these options are to best serve the Kingdom, then I offer this continued pain—as insignificant as it may be—as redemptive suffering, uniting it with Christ’s Passion. I have consecrated myself to Jesus through Mary and through you, my Spritual Father, Joseph. Having done so, I entrust all of my graces and the benefits of my good works to distribute as you see most fit. I know that I do not know the inner workings of others’ hearts and you may see where this suffering is best used. But if you are looking for a suggestion, I would propose that you please benefit my future wife. If I am to die before marriage, then I shall be espoused to the Church so please treat them one and the same.

Ultimately, I want to be a Saint. So if anything I ask should hinder that, please instead direct me on the surest path to holiness in my life.

I love you very much and thank you for your guidance, assistance, and comfort in this difficult time. Amen.